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Romulus Vuia" National Ethnographic Park is the first open-air museum created in Romania, being located in Cluj-Napoca, Tăietura Turcului Street. The open-air museum has about 200 objectives. The thematic plan of the Park was elaborated in 1929 by Romulus Vuia and in 1956 it was restructured in four sectors: Technical installations and craft workshops; Zonal types of households and monuments of folk architecture; the ethno-botanical and the ethno-zootechnical sectors.
It is the zero point of the city and the largest historical square in central and southeastern Europe. Currently, it is the main financial and commercial point of the city.
It is one of the most beautiful gardens of this kind in Romania, with over 10,000 species of plants from around the world. The attraction of the place is the "Japanese Garden".
The National Museum of Art is located in Piața Unirii no. 30, a building in which it has been operating since 1956. The museum is housed in an important Baroque building from the 18th century, The Banffy Palace, the work of the German architect Johann Eberhard Blaumann. The patrimony owned by the Cluj-Napoca Art Museum is an impressive and valuable one, including pieces of Romanian and universal art dating from the 15th century to the present day. Thus, we find here over 13,000 pieces of art from different branches: paintings (over 3600 pieces), sculptures (over 450 pieces), graphic arts (over 5600 pieces), decorative arts (over 200 pieces) and documentary archives (over 3300 pieces).
The Romanian National Opera Cluj-Napoca is an opera and ballet company founded in 1919, simultaneously with the National Theater and the Conservatory of Music. Within a century of existence, the Romanian Opera has presented over 200 titles of opera, operettas and ballets.
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